The Guild of the Cross
Otaniemen kappeli
Jämeräntaival 8
02150 ESPOO
Bank account number (IBAN):
FI44 4108 0013 1507 53
The mission division's bank number (IBAN):
FI08 4108 0013 0287 93
Email addresses:
The domain part is
- Puheenjohtaja: <puheenjohtaja>
- Tiedottaja: <tiedottaja>
- Rahastonhoitaja: <rahastonhoitaja>
- Johtokunta: <johtokunta>
- Lähetysjaosto: <lahetys>
- Ohjelmajaosto: <ohjelma>
- Piirijaosto: <piiri>
- Cross Section: <cs>
Changing your contact information
If your contact information has changed, we would like you to inform the new information to the treasurer (address above).
Email lists
Email lists are an important way to contact many people at once. The guild has multiple lists for different purposes. For more information, see here.
Discussion groups
The guild has discussion groups and channels both in Telegram and IRC. Many of the groups contain a bridge between Telegram and IRC, so it is possible to chat via either of the platforms. There are three general groups: RK-fuksisauna, RK-suksisauna, and RK. In addition to these, there are some specialised groups, such as RK-urheilu (sports) and RK-fillarit (cyclists). If you would like to join any of our groups or channels, feel free to contact the spokesperson: tiedottaja (at)
– A light discussion group meant for current students and active guild members. The channel is a perfect place for finding lunch company, for sharing interesting news and links and for general chatting.
– A group specifically meant for longer discussions.
– Anyone, new and old, are welcome to join the traditional and original channel of the guild.
##rkilta @ Freenode
– The traditional guild channel, whom anyone – new and old – is welcome to joint.
##rkilta.fuksisauna @ Freenode
– A guild channel especially tailored for active and fuksiminded guild members.
##rkilta.pelit @ Freenode
– Conversations about games and gaming in any form.
##rkilta.geek @ Freenode
– Geek talk.
– For bike lovers.
– arvaa…
Other medias
The guild of the cross has also its own Facebook-page and a Facebook-group.
Borrowing the guild's video projector
If you would like to borrow a video projector as a representative of some student organisation, the easiest way to do this is via this form. If you are a member of the Guild of the Cross, do not hesitate to contact some member of the board on the matter.
You can find the guild's logo in PNG-, CorelDraw-, EPS-, and PDF-formants; more info from the spokesperson.