MonMonday | TueTuesday | WedWednesday | ThuThursday | FriFriday | SatSaturday | SunSunday |
12.02.2024 | 13.02.2024 |
19:00: Miika Korppi: From teekkari to a missionary14.02.2024 The Living Room of the Teekkari Village Jämeräntaival 5 A Espoo, In the Bible, Jesus encourages Christians to spread the good news of the gospel around the world to every person. But are there opportunities in missionary work for others besides just pastors, doctors, and well diggers? Could the skills learned at Aalto University also be utilized globally to advance the gospel? Come and hear about the diverse and inspiring opportunities in missionary work, as Miika Korppi from the Missionary Association Kylväjä will speak about them. His own path led him from graduating as a Master of Science in Engineering from Aalto University to a career in missionary work. The actual programme starts at 7:00 PM, but you are welcome to join the starting from 6:30 PM. The evening concludes with a free supper and devotion. |
15.02.2024 | 16.02.2024 | 17.02.2024 | 18.02.2024 |