Sign-up for the Spring camp 19.-21.4.2024

The registration due has passed! You can, nevertheless, fill the form to be put to the waiting list for the case of cancellations.

The spring camp of 2024 is here! And we need YOU to be there with us! The camp will take place in the Hvittorp retreat center in Kirkkonummi over the weekend from 19th to 21st of April.

The spring camp is the perfect opportunity to take a break from studying and work and create great new memories with your friends. You can expect various activities ranging from the all familiar and loved group games, swims in the nearby lake, worship sessions but also Bible studies, group prayer or the-conversation-you-didnt-know-you-could-have-with-this-one-person. And for those of stout hearts there may even be a night game ready!

The bedroom capacity of the camp is 36And this year we're reserving 10 of those places for the members of Ristiside. But, if you like camping, there is the opportunity to set up camp at the campsite - if you choose to tent camp, you must also register here and notify us!

The quotas for signup capacity are reserved until 1st of April– after which people who've signed up for either Ristin kilta or Ristiside will be admitted into the remaining places so that all bed capacity is used.

The estimated cost is 42€ (base fee) for meals and bed. Estimated cost is 45€ for those who need carpooling. These costs will be confirmed and handled afterwards.

We'll leave Otaniemi as a group at ~16:30 on Friday and return back to Otaniemi on Sunday in the afternoon. More information will be provided in a camp newsletter and Telegram chat.

Registration DEADLINE TO REGISTER for Spring Retreat is Thursday, 4.4. at 23.59
If you cancel, please do so before this deadline. Otherwise, you will be required to pay the participation cost unless we can find someone to go in your stead, so do inform us ASAP if you must cancel.

Also, please register by 1.4. to be included in the Ristin kilta and Ristiside quotas before registration opens to everyone!

See you at camp! Help us continue this spring season tradition!

Andrew ja Ondřej
Telegram: @drewsteps and @martymichal
Call/Text/Whatsapp: +358 41 586 0170 (Andrew)

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